Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Casey Savvy Shopper


Our friend Casey started the Food Stamp challenge Monday.  She has graciously sent us pictures of her grocery purchases for the week. Above you'll see the groceries she bought for her family of four, husband and two small children.  You can see she has enough for a number of healthy meals, some chicken, some carbs, a little ground beef, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetable. She also has a few splurges for the kids,  specifically Yankees Pinstripe ice cream and cheese sticks.

Her week's total is just over $100, well under the $150 the SNAP program could allot her.  She is planning to bank the difference for items that she needs later and to 'pay' for existing  food around the house.  The most difficult part of buying for her was all those vegetables, she had to go a greater distance to get the deals over normal supermarket prices.

Also kudos to Casey for bravely embarking on this adventure with two kids and facing down tears over not getting the store-bought fruit salad! 

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